15 Handtied Bone Fish Flies Image
This is a selection of 15 handtied bonefish flies from James Baginski. For over 20 years, James Baginski has become increasingly obsessed with the magical experience of pursuing bonefish on a fly, stalking them in Florida, Mexico, Honduras, and Belize. The vast majority of these pursuits have been unguided, DIY adventures which have forced James to really figure these fish out in order to be successful. Though he refuses to consider himself anything close to an expert in the world of fly fishing for bonefish, James has learned much—largely through trial-and-error—about how to catch these amazing fish and the flies that work best. The flies included in this collection are tied on the sparse side, as he has found, after lots of blown opportunities, the benefit of lighter, less-bulky flies as they are easier to cast, sink more quickly, and are less likely to spook fish. Bonefish can sometimes be tough, but most of the time they just can’t refuse a bunch of rubber legs kicking about on a hook with some flash and bead chain eyes. If you are trying to catch bonefish for the first time, be confident because you can do it. James sums up bonefishing this way: “If I can show up on a random island in Belize and manage to get my seven-year-old son who barely knows which end of the rod to hold into bonefish, trust me, you can, too!”

15 Handtied Bone Fish Flies

Item #116

$80 - 3 bids

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Donated By:

James Baginski